NEW RELEASE IN 2018! Manoomin: The Story of Wild Rice in Michigan by Barbara J. Barton (MSU Press) is now available at bookstores everywhere! This is the first book of its kind to bring forward the rich tradition of wild rice in Michigan and its importance to the Anishinaabek people who live there. It focuses on the history, culture, biology, economics, and spirituality surrounding this sacred plant. The story travels through time from the days before European colonization and winds its way forward in and out of the logging and industrialization eras. It weaves between the worlds of the Anishinaabek and the colonizers, contrasting their different perspectives and divergent relationships with Manoomin. "Barton brings us the untold story of one of Michigan's iconic natural resources - its cultural and historical importance, it mistreatment and demise, and the seeds of hope for its future recovery. She writes with deep reverence and careful scholarship, in a warm style that makes me want to paddle the backwaters of Michigan's rivers and lakes, searching for lost stands of this amazing grass." --Samuel Thayer, author of The Forager's Harvest, Natures Garden, and Incredible Wild Edibles. Book price $29.95 |
Information on Wild Rice
- Manoomin: The Story of Wild Rice in Michigan by Barbara J. Barton, Michigan State University Press
- Wild Rice and the Ojibwa People by Thomas Vennum Jr., Minnesota Historical Society Press
- Wild Rice in Canada by S.G. Aiken et al., NC Press Limited, Toronto, 1988
- The Sacred Harvest: Ojibway Wild Rice Gathering by Gordon Regguinti, Leech Lake Band Ojibway, with photographs by Dale Kakkak, Menominee, Lerner Publications Co.
- Real Wild Rice by David Martinson, Published by School Distlrict 709, Duluth, MN
- Manoomin (Wild Rice): Ojibwe Spirit Food by Michael M. Loukinen
- Manoomin Wild Rice, Native American Educational Series
- Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
- Ojibwe Rice
- 1854 Treaty Authority
- White Earth Land Recovery Project
- Great Lakes Information Network
- Native Harvest
- Protect Our Manoomin
Information on Wild Rice
- Gramene Zizania
- USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
- Zizania aquatica aquatica species abstract - Michigan Natural Features Inventory
- Anishinaabe manoomin - Mazinaagan supplement - Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
- Wild Rice Brochure - Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
- Proceedings of the Wild Rice Research & Management Conference Carlton, Minnesota (1999)